
  • Ben Frost presents Widening Gyre, 360 show

    Ben Frost live – VERSION01 from Rosforth on Vimeo.

    With Frost’s critically acclaimed 2017 LP The Centre Cannot Hold as a departure point, Widening Gyre combines the unique studio approach of the album into a new live performance concept; a powerful and highly volatile multi-point sound environment performed in the round.

    Created as part of a residency at ZKM Karlsruhe, Widening Gyre sees Frost dive deep into the physicality of spatialisation. Synthesis, analogue tape and live guitars are all fed in real-time through an array of digital objects which relentlessly push and pull against one another in a new kaleidoscope of sonic ecology.

    Notes on performance space:

    The show is infinitely flexible and readily adapts to new space. Churches, warehouses, craters, strip clubs the stranger and more unique the space the better. Architecture with huge natural reverberance are especially effective. It can be seated or standing, it can be focussed listening or a nocturnal acid-fuelled sweatbox. It requires no stage at all, only that Frost performs from the centre of the space with all channels of audio radiating out from that central point, louder and more physical than a jet engine.