:zoviet*france: making soundtrack for a Finnish film project and more..

:zoviet*france: contributed to Finnish video artist’s Henna-Riikka Halonen’s “Strange Place For Snow” film project back in 2010, which will be presented from the 15th of February onwards until the 3rd of March in Helsinki’s Galleria Huuto – do not miss, in case you’re planning to be around town. You can find part of the soundtrack “Supermarché Abanddonés” under the Soundcloud of :zoviet*france:



It’s now just over six months since the group launched their weekly net radio show, A Duck in a Tree, on Basic.fm. Featuring some of the best arhythmic music and field recordings that grab their attention, the show is gathering a rapidly growing audience both in its broadcast and podcast form. Tune in here:


You can also catch :zoviet*france: performing live at Donaufestival in Krems, on the 2nd of May.